

Contents may have Shifted During LifeContents May Have Shifted During Life: Unpacking the Stories of a Daughter, Wife and Technology Goddess is an engaging coming-of-age story that illustrates the parts of our lives that turn out unexpectedly.  Wnuk’s often hilarious, sometimes poignant story begins in her childhood as she worries more about nuclear meltdown than acting cute for boys.  As a woman entering the technology field, she gives a wry XX chromosome perspective on a post-Y2k business world.  Finally, she reveals how she found the man who became her husband minutes after she stopped looking for him, and how she lost her parents years before she was ready to say good-bye.  

Fans of David Sedaris, Anne Lamott and Haven Kimmel will want to add Contents May Have Shifted During Life: Unpacking the Stories of a Daughter, Wife and Technology Goddess to their bookshelf.


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